Issue Position: Foreign Policy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

The President may be the Commander-in-Chief, but it is Congress which has the sole Constitutional authority to declare and pay for wars. Congress has failed to fulfill its role as a check against the power of the President. Troops are scattered in "penny packet" fashion all over the globe, with no coherent foreign policy supporting their deployment.

We are bankrupt and need a more humble foreign policy. Before committing troops to war, I believe we must follow the Constitution and have Congress debate the matter. If there is a threat to American freedom here in America, I would vote to defend that freedom with a declaration of war.

I will also vote to eliminate foreign aid, starting with the billions of dollars we give to the enemies of Israel and countries that hate us. They will hate us for free.

It's also time to reassess old treaties with our wealthier allies such as Germany and Japan and gradually draw down our military presence in those countries. Not only are we providing virtually their entire national defense, but our service men and women spend their hard earned money in these countries, providing them with economic stimulus. Imagine what our economy would be like if those troops were here in America, patrolling and defending our borders, and spending their money here.
